Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wolverine - Spin-off movie of the X-Men in 2009

Following the success of the X-Men series at the cinema the mutant known as Wolverine now gets his own spin-off movie. Wolverine is a mutant with regenerative powers, three claws on each hand and a skeleton all laced with a rare metal known as adamantium.

Hugh Jackman -had I a daughter, I would have told her to marry this guy!- will plays as Logan / Wolverine.

Here is the plot in a few lines:

In this spin-off movie Logan struggles to find the secrets to his past.
Thanks to Charles's Xavier psychic powers Logan overcomes his mental barriers reaching his past life.
But the full truth of his origin is a far from being a gift: pain and loneliness once forgotten are awaken.
Logan remembers the role of Victor Creed (who will later become Sabertooth) in the death of his girlfriend, and how he ended up to the mutant Weapon X program which tried to transform him into a killing machine.

I can be but glad to know that this spin-off movie is coming soon (May 2009 is not so far).
I appreciate Hugh Jackman: to my viewpoint he is the ideal actor to epitomize the vivid character of Wolverine. Stay tuned for the trailer !


Anonymous said...

wow... i cant wait to see this...

SilverKat said...

So when are we going to see an X-Men Origins: Rogue movie?

Anonymous said...

This going to be a great movie. Hopefully it will begin the cult movie following of true Xmen fans and lead to the Apocalpse movie where there is total destruction !

There needs to be more interaction of other Marvel characters; cross breeding of other Marvel movies... How about an on screen adaptation of Infinity Gauntlet?

Anonymous said...

I have long awaited to see wolverine on the big screen in his own stand alone movie. I know everything hasn't been completely the same as written in the comics, but even the writrs have changed the origin of our favorite adamatium clawed hero. I'm really interested in seing what hollywood comes up with.

Anonymous said...

I've ben waiting a very long time for Wolvrine to have a stand alone movie. I'm really interested in seing how Marvel/Hollywood handles our favorite pal Logan

Rick Nick said...

What did logan say to that other dude(sabertooth???) at the end????? could anyone understand him?

Anonymous said...

SOrry... But this looked like poopey doopey... Why would they let this be directed by Gavin Hood?
This is going to be a bigger disappointment then X-men 3!!! Sorry but from the trailer it looks BAD!!! I HOPE I am wrong..

Anonymous said...

It is about time Gambit shows up on screen. I thought the first 3 films had lost a lot of the original vibe because gambit in the comics were a major part of the X-men.

Anonymous said...

Oh damn this movie is going to shatter records on opening night, the creators of these marvel movies have been setting the bar with each new installment, did you guys she Storm as a child (Yes!!!! definitely a plus to see her as a little pick-pocket.) I always felt that Halle did not truly commit to the role by wearing that fake wig. Deadpool, Blob, John Wrath and Gambit Damn!!!! Then there is Sabertooth, the initial actor was great and fit the part to a "T" but this new para-military Liev Schriber!!! Oh This is going to be a record breaker for sure!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why why why is Wolverine NOT wearing the original outfit and still a LEATHER JACKET. Is the DIRECTOR cannot make a MASK for WOLVERINE. Look SPIDERMAN, DareDevil. I like the original hero outfit of Wolverin. Can you guys stick to the plan? Even Cyclops is also wearing a LEATHER Jacket and its so boring color. II like the action movies of Spiderman and I admire their director... he really stick to the plan and it's looks nice. Sorry I am very very disappointed to the Director and the Script writer. No problem about the story but PLEASE give them the REAL X-MEN (wearing their RIGHT COSTUME). Am sure the Marvel FANS would LOVE you.

Anonymous said...

I am announcing all MARVEL fans please support to call the attention of the maker of Wolverine and all X-men movies to please change their Leather Jackets to to the right attire they used to be in the marvel comics. Or maybe THEY cannot do it. They might find a hard time to make that kind of an attire. I vote the director of Spiderman and Transformers to make a new version of their X-men. Sorry i am very dissapointment